#7 - Photo Composition Techniques Pt. 1

Welcome back!

Recently in The past few blogs have been about some technical elements my class is covering, and this blog will be covering some more! I'll be talking about framing and rule of thirds.


Framing is a composition technique where frame elements are used to lead the viewer's eye to the subject. Frames are natural (ex. trees, rock formations) or man-made (ex. windows). For this picture, I used the window of a door to frame my classmate Trinity. Doesn't she look so cool?

Rule of Thirds

Rule of thirds is a composition technique where an image is divided into thirds, and the subject is placed in the left or right third of the image. The other two thirds of the photo are left more open. For this picture, I turned on the grid feature on my iPhone's camera app, and took a picture of my classmate Nicky in the right third of it.

I'm really enjoying taking all these pictures in class! There's a lot creativity involved in getting the best shot, and I feel like a real photographer or movie director.

In the next blog, I'll talk about some composition techniques that involve focus. See you then!


Graphic created in Canva

Photos included were taken by me for the purposes of this blog.


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