#1 - Welcome!
Hi there!
My name is Janaysa, and I am an AICE Media Studies student. In about 9 months, I will be producing a media product, and I will be documenting the research, planning, and production process through this blog.
The media product I plan to create is a magazine, and I believe many of the skills I already have will help me to be successful in this endeavor. I have great writing skills, and can communicate well through written word. My writing style is mostly casual, and very digestible.
Though some of my skills will benefit me in the blog-making process, I'm not perfect, and there's still so much I can learn, such as photo editing and graphic design skills. I will be relying very heavily on Canva and similar services, and I believe constant use of them will help me gain these skills.
I've been talking and talking about making a blog, but what exactly am I supposed to be doing?
Well, as mentioned above, the blog is my documentation of the entire process of creating my magazine. Furthermore, my blog will document the highs and lows of this product, including struggles and confusion, lightbulb moments, edits to my magazine, and my thoughts on any key moments in the process. Also, the blog will also host any exercises I completed that helped me complete the magazine, the finished magazine and my creative critical reflection of it.
I hope you enjoy watching this process as it unfolds and when it is complete!
Graphic created in Canva
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